vrijdag 27 januari 2012

A trip to Antwerp, part one: Cous cous cola

This week i went on a daytrip with a close friend of mine to Antwerp, Belgium. It was great. So here's a little 'Antwerp love part one'.

Abdembi Ben Hadach combines arabic exotism and western modernism in an exclusive collection of fashion & shoes for him and her, plus unique objects, jewellery, handbags and many other finds. A part from the good concept, the design is also great! 

More info:  http://www.couscouscola.be/index.php
Or visit the Cous cous cola concept store:
Schoytestraat 2/4
2000 Antwerpen
Open from tuesdays till saturdays
couscous cola shop
concept store

flyer front

flyer back

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